CCTV sez: "Don't show! Don't tell!" -Not on the screen? Then it's not news! -Distract with bombing shots and smoke -Better visuals, no yuck -As with Russia in Ukraine Hamas gets benefit of the doubt
update: CNN just ran this piece which includes a quote from me and a link to the CCTV FOLLIES, as does this article just released by VOA.
The October 11 nightly news Xinwen Lianbo coverage of the Hamas attack on Israel continues to follow a pattern of sanitizing crimes committed by states that China sees as stakeholders in its China Dream, South-South solidarity and Belt and Road and other diplomatic schemes, while at the same time, TV coverage shows little sympathy and minimizes victim status to less-favored nations.
Israel does good trade with China, and the links are there, but politically it’s ostracized.
Just as Russia is a favored entity—perhaps the most critical partner along the Belt and Road that connects China to Europe and beyond—Palestine gets the full monty of “friendship” treatment from Beijing. To put it simply, Beijing has a strict on-off switch when it comes to friendship. Friends can do no wrong, rivals and enemies can do nothing right.
CCTV has followed Xi’s bifocal v…