CCTV FOLLIES 11.12 "Goose, goose, goose" STATE TV GOOSES THE NEWS
Xi turns his gaze away from the beauty of China to "beautiful country" known as "mei-guo" -The three "F"s are flaunted for San Francisco fête: Flying Tigers, Philadelphia Orchestra and Iowa farmers!
It’s just a rule of thumb, and there are some exceptions, but if the top story is full of beautiful scenery and nature shots, birds all a flutter and the screen is full of pristine scenes, you know its main purpose is to hide, distract from or disguise the utter ugliness of contemporary CCP politics.
Seeing these idyllic scenes of birds, can the great bird brain of the sky be far away?

Sure enough, the birds and beauteous landscapes are but introduction to the main event. If China is beautiful, and it is, then CCTV suggests it’s because of this great historic figure, a sage of the sort who comes along once every hundred years or so.

Xi Jinping is strongly in favor of trees.

His languid gaze drifts from mountains to sea.

What a striking, inspiring figure the paramount leader strikes, speaking authoritatively, as always, but at fully ease with common people.