Amazing spread on the valor of China's Korean War heroes -Another reminder that US is on wrong side of history -Li Qiang bounces back! -A Xi Jinping book on human rights! Putin's Complaint -Japan down
The Korean War broke out in June 1950, eight months after the People's Republic of China was founded. The flames of war soon reached the border river of Yalu and wreaked havoc with buildings bombed and civilians killed. At the request of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Chinese ground forces under the Chinese People’s Volunteers entered the Korean Peninsula on Oct. 19, 1950…
The biggest story of the day is about the tenth installment of the repatriation of remains of China’s soldiers killed in the fight against US aggression in Korea some seven decades ago. What’s that all about? Maybe I watch too much TV news, but it seems to be signalling something.
An olive branch to South Korea? A show of solidarity with North Korea? A thumb in the face of the US which was the bad guy then and is the bad guy now? -A PR ploy building on recent spate of government-backed patriotic films by Chen Kaige and other hacks about the Resist-America-Aid-Korea war?
Perhaps the PLA is champing at the bit? Flexing a bit? The military hasn’t had much TV coverage lately, ever since the dark purges of the summer. Perhaps a chance to spring back, to show off some military prowess and parades, and remind today’s Chinese that defense of the motherland comes at a cost, and be prepared to pay that cost, though in compensation you will be remembered decades later in lavish ceremonies broadcast on the nightly news, if the nightly news is still being broadcast.
The Chinese “volunteer” troops are welcomed home!
The jet carrying the remains was escorted by other jets.
Oh how the jets soar above the clouds of the motherland!
A grand ceremonial welcome at the airport, no expense spared.

Through CCTV, the CCP brings history alive, as if these brave volunteers died just yesterday. Children whose grandparents weren’t even born yet at the time of the Korean war bow deeply in solemn remembrance.

Welcome back to the motherland, heroes!

People lined the streets in Shenyang where the remains were taken for burial.
At least two crusty old vets were interviewed on camera to make soul-stirring remarks that left nary a dry eye in the house.
“Though today’s weather is cold, my heart is warmed by this.”
“The motherland welcomes them home with great solemnity”

The top news stories are about Xi, as usual, as per protocol, but they are very short today. Pretty minor stuff.
-Xi pens a letter to the second Global Digital Trade Expo
-Xi congratulates Javier Milei on his election as president of Argentina

Of course, even on a slow day, Xi Thought continues to infect and inspire:
Let us follow in spirit the instructions of Chairman Xi in his important remarks about the “Four Good Roads to Rural Development”

Xi is camera shy today and we don’t see his poker-faced mug at all. What’s more, his number two, and perhaps his most threatening nemesis, Li Qiang, gets a digital reprieve!
Li Qiang, after several days glaring absence from TV coverage gets some belated TLC from CCTV today. Not only do his activities from earlier in the week get aired, but he is edited to look almost presidential in the footage which is curated to show him in a commanding light.
What gives? More subtle signaling? Tussle for attention? Editorial wires crossed?
Li Qiang addressed the G-20 in a November 22 virtual meeting

The Li footage today is a mirror image of the Xi footage yesterday.
A virtual meeting talking with world leaders followed by an in-the-flesh meeting in the Great Hall of the People with the president of Uruguay."
“Li called on the two sides to set a good example of bilateral relations featuring mutual respect and trust between countries with different social systems, mutual benefit and complementarity between countries with different economic sizes, and mutual learning between countries with different cultural backgrounds.”
More echoes of Xi. Li Qiang is shown speaking while his guest listens with a pen in hand. Then it’s Li’s turn to listen. Li is a more animated speaker than Xi and arguably a better listener.

Write your own caption….

The foreign news section has a surprise twist today…..Xi Jinping!
As if to compensate for the short shrift the big man got in the domestic news, a major spread on Xi’s international role as a defender and upholder of …….(drum roll)….. HUMAN RIGHTS!
The precious object being unveiled by an abject group of foreigners is a pile of books.
Xi Jinping’s book on human rights!
In Spanish!!!

It’s the must-read in bookstores all across South and Central America. Spain, too.

Foreigners can really relate to the universal significance of Xi Jinping Thought. Hola!