Ballot box brims with glory and support for CCP! -Puppets pledge to serve the people! -Economy prospers despite headwinds -Best harvest ever! -Xi's deep wisdom and guidance essential -F16 in the sink
“The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's district council election on Sunday was an important step to fully implement "patriots administering Hong Kong" and improve governance, the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council said on Monday.”
More on Hong Kong later, because it comes in later in the news. As for the top story, the world may be rocked with waves and facing strong headwinds, but China’s economy chugs forward, all indications up, up and up as it is viewed from various angles. The upward trend of the TV chart is now being distributed in hard copy.

Today’s top news story is not so much about news, but rather a pastiche of uplifting images to prod viewers to keep faith with an economy rumored to be in trouble. It’s one thing to quibble about statistics, but who can argue with these stirring images of China’s economic strength and its sagacious leadership, let alone red flags fluttering, technicolor sunsets and stupendous crashing waves?

It’s enough to leave one breathless with fearsome pride, if not gasping for breath.
Mixed messaging? Xi seems to be getting credit for getting the sun to set on China.

But it would be churlish to look askance at Xi’s contribution, because he’s responsible for everything good and nothing bad. Xi Jinping Thought radiates in every direction.

Next up on a rather strange news day is a somber state funeral for a relatively unknown “friend of the party” who gets the same formal funeral ceremony as Premier Li Keqiang did, graced with a royal flush of Politburo attendees.
“San was an outstanding leader of the CPWDP and a close friend of the Communist Party of China. Xi Jinping, Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang, Li Xi, Han Zheng, Hu Jintao and others had either visited Sang when he was in hospital or expressed deep condolences and offered sincere sympathies to his family through various means after his passing.”
The “various means” line is interesting as it indicates that Hu Jintao is still alive. His name was mentioned last, and he does not appear in the footage, but there is a wreath clearly bearing his name.
As for Qin Gang, another high-level official made to disappear due to Xi Jinping’s displeasure, there is no news, but rumors swirl that he died right after being purged.

Xi draws on his deep repertoire of classical sayings to prep Vietnam for his visit!

This year’s harvest? Best ever!

And now, some breaking news from that port in the south also known as Hong Kong.
Can you hear the sound? That’s democracy going ‘round! The democratic election results confirm Beijing’s policies on every level. It can now be said with confidence that “patriots rule Hong Kong!” Finally, the voices of Hong Kong speak in one voice!

But don’t take CCTV’s word for it. See what real people in Hong Kong are saying:
—“I shall serve the public enthusiastically!”
—“It’s really, really important that patriots rule Hong Kong. It’s what the people need.”
—“We are certainly going to build bridges…”
—”I feel that a new atmosphere has been created by this election…”

Effusive praise for China can be heard from laowai ‘round the world.