Looking for news of Navalny? -Look no further, for none appears -But Russia rules Ukraine sky -Looking for news of Xi? -Personality cult soars -Xi pens article about democraxi! -Xi now in translation
CCTV’s map department is on the same page as Putin when it comes to portraying the hapless Ukraine as a borderless region up for grabs, if not already an integral part of Mother Russia.
Kremlin-curated war footage amped up by CCTV shows valiant Russia pilots blasting away in the skies of Ukraine with great derring-do.

(Footage courtesy of Russia Ministry of Defense)

Russia engages in ground fighting, too.

Russia gains ground in Ukraine, as seen in photos of Russia-tamed Avdiivka, Donetsk

Yaqiu Wang of Freedom House spotted this timely Chinese-language bulletin online.
In it Navalny is described him as an extremist and economic criminal.
There are several February 16 news stories about Russia in Xinhua News and China Daily, but nothing on Navalny in English.
What we see instead is that Russia really gets mad when Ukraine fights back…
This was seen in yesterday’s TV news (Ukraine has not commented on incident yet)
The Chinese print media always has a perch for Lavrov to speak his dipomatic mind.
Recent Xinhua stories touching on Russia.

And n
ow, for some domestic news….
Read all about it!!!
Another major article in a major publication penned by the world’s most prolific freelance writer. Slow readers will be pleased to find high-quality photos of Xi on almost every page. Xi’s profound insights into democracy are fully covered. There are many forms of democracy, a dime a dozen, really, but nothing rings true like Xi-style socialist democracy.

It’s not fair that Chinese get to read these gems by Xi before the rest of the world, but efforts are being made to get the word out in foreign languages and PR outreach:
The 14th Annual Spring Festival Joint Exhibition of Chinese Books in Global Overseas Chinese Bookstores is underway across 100 bookstores in 41 countries and regions
Themed "Reading China", the exhibition is organized by China National Publications Import and Export Group and China International Book Trading Corporation
The literary extravaganza showcases a curated selection of acclaimed Chinese novels and scholarly works on China's governance, precisely tailored to meet the discerning preferences of overseas readers, according to the organizers.

The aforementioned “scholarly works on China’s governance” for “discerning” readers can be plainly seen front and center.
In other top news, and this is actually the day’s top story, Xi Jinping does Shanghai!
Editor’s note: this is old footage from last year
Correction: Xi jinping DID Shanghai and this is a re-run.

In Shanghai, as elsewhere, Xi leaves behind his august presence a trail of people so touched by their brush with historic greatness that they still talk about “the moment” long afterwards.

Can’t get enough Xi? You are not alone, and CCTV has your covered! An upcoming TV special highlights Xi’s extraordinary erudition and high-quality literary tastes, including quotes from his favorite Chinese poems and favorite quotes from Karl Marx.

He is truly the light of China. The favorite aphorisms of the paramount leader will live forever in the hearts and minds of the Chinese people as can be seen in conjuction with computer-generated pagodas below.
In world news… Israel guts a Gaza hospital and Houthis attack a British ship.

As a reward for some truly trying viewing, Xinwen Lianbo leavens the news with some beautifully-composed Year of the Dragon pictures and closes on the all-too-ubiquitous ear-worm of a tune, “I love you China!”