A big part of telling China's story well is telling Xi's story well. Today's news is a case study in TV propaganda, making things look good when they're not. A quiet air of desperation prevails.
How to make an aloof, immensely wealthy, sheltered and pampered dictator with an ego the size of the Great Wall who is forever surrounded by yes men, sycophants and small army of security men be made to look like an easy-going, avuncular humble man of the people?
Today’s CCTV evening news shows you how:
-Open with a series of lofty, aerial establishing shots just as Leni Reifenstahl did so effectively in Triumph of the Will.
-Zoom in on a real neighborhood where the great leader can be seen walking among his people.
-He’s never not part of a security and logistics entourage, but keep the focus on the key man as he strides proudly down village lanes and talks to real people.
-Arrange a home visit so that the leader can mix with a model family
-The leader goes right to the kitchen to see what’s cooking
-The leader opens the refrigerator and examines its contents humorously
-Sit down with the family (leader in the middle) and stage some happy, informal repartee.
-Today’s staging was outstanding; especially the “heartfelt” moment when the leader grasps the hand of an old granny
-Eat, shoot pictures and leave
-Have leader walk slowly down public thoroughfares where enthusiastic common people line both sides of the road for a glimpse of the undisputed master.
-Clear a circle in the crowd the size of a small pond with well-wishers pressing in on all sides but never crossing the security line.
-Hand the supreme leader a microphone and let him pontificate
-Key sidekick, butler and security czar (Cai Qi) should be near the leader at all times but not always in the shot
-Vigorous, enthusiastic applause is all fine and good, but look for ways to up the stakes, such as leading the crowd to clap with their hands above their heads and cry out in passionate voices.
-After informal remarks, and a very warm reception, the leader is shown heading back to his luxury ride, in this case, the Xi-mobile.
-Arrange it so the great man’s departure is slowed by a carefully-controlled and choreographed outpouring of teary-eyed crowds heart-broken to see him leave.
-Choreograph a surge. The adoring crowd is permitted, under guidance, to surge after the departing leader in a slow, controlled flow of adulation.
Editor’s note: The best example of this epiphenomenon can be seen in North Korea where Kim Jong-un’s ardent fans literally follow him into the sea as he boards a boat.
-After the market has been thoroughly swept by security with fine-toothed combs and lucky participants have been prudently selected, create a busy-looking marketplace where the supreme leader can mix casually with ersatz shoppers
-Open with establishing aerial shot
-Hands held high in joy and adulation as leader approaches
-The supreme one saunters by.
-The most powerful man in China enters a shop to do some shopping
-Have it arranged that he appears to buy something!!! Make sure to hand him some cash as he doesn’t usually carry a wallet.
-Stage shots of him giving a box of sweets to a strategically-placed kid
-Organize the crowd into a strictly-maintained security circle and let the leader stand inside to convey a few heartfelt words and formulaic New Year’s wishes.
-Use shots that accentuate the color red, i.e. red dancing lions, red dragons, red lanterns, etc.
-Orchestrate the “surge” taking great care of security
-Round off the visit with a visit to a local museum of CCP history
-Close with standard meeting scenes of the supreme leader at work, issuing instructions to his powerful, note-taking underlings!
And now, in living color, the top stories of today’s news!
Many of the pointers introduced in propaganda 201 can be seen in action in the following series of choreographed shots as Xi Jinping visits a village near Tianjin.

First the official read-out of the village visit in which Xi “tallies the numbers”
On Thursday morning, Xi visited a village in Xinkou Town in the municipality's Xiqing District.From late July to early August last year, extreme rainfall hit northern China, causing anomalous floods in the Haihe River Basin, and a large area of land in the flood storage and detention basins in Tianjin was inundated. Briefed about the impact of floods on the city and district, Xi walked into greenhouses to check the growth of vegetables. Xi then visited a villager's home, where he chatted with four generations of the family. He inquired about the family's losses during the disaster, their post-disaster production and income, and carefully tallied the numbers during the talk.
The segment opens with the standard aerial establishing shot.
The supreme leader appears, accompanied by trusted aides and a local escort.
The supreme leader examines a greenhouse with his own eyes.

The kitchen is the first stop on any good family visit.

Another aerial establishing shot, another place where the leader touches down and mixes with the people. CCTV magic makes it all look so natural and spontaneous!
“On Thursday afternoon, Xi went to an ancient cultural street and visited local distinctive shops, learning about the products, their sales, and the development of traditional culture.”

This is literally the “money shot” where the man with the access to more of the wealth of China than anyone else, the latter-day emperor, pulls out a bill and PAYS for his purchase with a hundred yuan bill!
Well done, CCTV! You’re outdoing yourself in folksy touches. It’s probably one of the few times the supreme leader has had to actually handle money since coming to power, and yet his muscle memory is good, and he makes a totally creditable stab at paying in cash. Truly a man of the people!
Editor’s note. People are using their phones to pay for things these days

The crowd (half of which is composed of security men) stands at rapt attention, dares not cross the invisible line.
The leader enjoying some local color and festivities.

The surge. Looks great on camera but what a headache for the dozens and dozens of bodyguards, aides and assistants.
CCTV brings down the feverish temperature with a cool, contemplative visit to a CCP history museum
“On Friday morning, Xi visited the Peking-Tianjin Campaign Memorial Museum where he underscored the necessity of studying and frequently reviewing the history of China's revolutionary war. The revolutionary traditions should be carried on and the fighting spirit should be strengthened, Xi said.”

Finally, it’s back to work. An important meeting at which important words are spoken.

Time for some follow up diplomatic statements by Xi, the nation’s top diplomat.
And that’s it for today, folks.
Zai jian!