Once upon a time Xi was in Xiamen and it's never been the same -Latest fortune cookie wit from Xi -Antarctica is so based! -Red Sea blues -Russia torches Avdiivka -Belarus blames NATO -Mongolian snows
In the top news story, CCTV lovingly illustrates one of the most poignant turning points in China’s grand project of national rejuvenation and rise to greatness.
The selfless hard work of one extraordinary man is at the core of the story, a story we might not know about had CCTV not valiantly endeavored to save it from the mists of time.
Archival research brings to light an under-appreciated heroic legend in the making.

Xi is here!
To think this is what Fujian looked like when Xi Jinping was first called upon to serve the poor suffering people there! He sure had his work cut out for him.

This is how people dressed.