Beijing bullies its way in Hong Kong win! -Article 23? It's unanimous! -Li Qiang, leader in waiting, courts danger as he dares to outdo his boss in mixing with the people -Gaza, Hamas -Russia, Putin.
“The Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) on Tuesday unanimously passed the safeguarding national security bill, which has become the ordinance.”
“China strongly deplores and firmly opposes individual countries and organizations' slandering and smear against the Safeguarding National Security Bill of Hong Kong.”
But first, a profile of China’s titular leader-in-waiting Li Qiang who gets a whiff of power by mixing with the people in the provinces and, on this day at least, outshines Xi as the man of the hour.
The good premier as seen above is not spitting or sneezing but sniffing a sample on his walkabout familiarization tour.
“Chinese Premier Li Qiang has stressed meeting people's expectations for high-quality life and improving their well-being while promoting high-quality development during an inspection tour in Fujian and Jiangxi.”

Li got unusually lengthy and exemplary coverage in today’s news. The papers have pictures of Xi traveling in Changde, Hunan but nothing in the nightly news about that.

When Li Qiang speaks, his hands do half the talking.

Titular number two Li Qiang had all the lavish visuals today, but grumpy ol’ Rumpelstiltskin still rules the roost
When Boss Xi speaks, his cronies, including Li, sit upright at attention and take notes.

Those sitting in the red chairs are higher-ranked than those sitting in the white chairs.

Xi Jinping’s New Era comes to the Central Region…
“Xi called for synergy in promoting high-quality development and writing new chapters of energizing the central region in the process of advancing Chinese modernization.”

And now for some exciting news from Hong Kong! Five big stories about Hong Kong!!!

To put these glowing reports in perspective, consider the warning in Xinhua today:
“China strongly deplores and firmly opposes individual countries and organizations' slandering and smear against the Safeguarding National Security Bill of Hong Kong.”
The Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) on Tuesday unanimously passed the safeguarding national security bill, which has become the ordinance.

It is a milestone for the HKSAR in fulfilling its constitutional duty as stipulated under Article 23 of the HKSAR Basic Law.

(Ed. The big news from Hong Kong affirms the vitality of Chinese democracy because the purest expression of democracy with Chinese characteristics is a unanimous vote.)

Interviewed by CCTV, Regina Ip really lets it rip…
“The legislation this time is a very good patriotic education that will really bolster the Hong Kong people’s reputation when the question of patriotism comes up…”

Regina Ip toughly says the tough new legislation blocks loopholes and hidden hazards.
(Editor’s note: Or, as John Lee put it, “This is a law to tell people not to attack us.”)

“Article 23 pairs nicely with the old national security law, they complete one another…”

Hong Kong as container port extraordinaire.
(Ed. Even after cooking the golden egg-laying goose, Beijing seems to retain high hopes that HK will continue to deliver and bring home the bacon.)

“I, like, totally welcome and support the security law….it’s so important for Hong Kong.”

This is what a safe and stable Hong Kong looks like from above.
CCTV sees the Hong Kong Science Park as something that pairs well with Article 23

(Ed. Glorious Hong Kong still has magnificent views, and the stalwart Star Ferry still plows the waters, but Hong Kong’s lights as an attractive destination for tourism and business are getting dimmer.)

In other democratic news…
Experts at an international forum on democracy in Beijing have said that Chinese democracy and governance, characterized by being responsive to people's voices, have proved effective. Experts and scholars discussed topics related to democracy and global governance, both in person or virtually, during "International Forum on Democracy: The Shared Human Values"

In today’s vibrant economy, student job fairs are especially bustling and festive.

China launches another satellite and it’s time for foreign news, but only time enough for two terrestrial battlegrounds.