CCTV repeats Russian propaganda line that attackers were headed for Ukraine, but qualifies Putin's assertion with a denial from Zelensky. -It's still bombs away for Russia jets and rocket launchers
CCTV seems to be under a great deal of pressure to produce pro-Putin coverage in the aftermath of the March 22, 2024 Crocus music hall massacre. The editorial slant puts Putin firmly in control and also casts Putin as national mourner number one, a victim man in a victim nation who is uniting the nation and vowing to punish anyone and everyone who had anything to do with it, even remotely.
Information produced by Russian media, which CCTV follows closely and draws most heavily from for propaganda purposes, has been riddled with silences, contradictions, unfounded accusations, denials, lies and cover-ups from day one. Perhaps the most worrisome trend is to blame state actors, even in the absence of evidence, because state-to-state provocations can escalate to war, or expand an already ongoing war in a radically more furious way, as is the case with Ukraine which has already suffered two years of brutal war under Putin’s direction in the so-called Special Military Operation.
This is a gloves-come-off moment for hardcore combatants and purveyors of toxic propaganda, with the result that a wider war between states is not out of the question, even if all extant evidence points to a single non-state actor by the name of ISIS.
CCTV’s coverage on the evening news has been more circumspect than some other state media such as Global Times which to no one’s great surprise, but to their everlasting shame as purported journalists, finds a way to point the finger first and foremost at both Ukraine and the US.
Simply despicable, irresponsible, risible and riddled with the implicit fear that Putin, the declared best friend of another monomaniacal leader, can do no wrong. It’s time to throw lies on the wall to see what sticks, time to evade accountability and blame everyone else, especially the “usual” suspects pre-determined by political enmity.

Xi didn’t just back the wrong horse in February 2022 with his declaration of a no-limits friendship with Putin on the eve of his disastrous invasion of Ukraine, but doubled down on his deal with the devil in the days and months that followed, showing full support for Putin, saluting him and showing fealty to him and never once criticizing his war of invasion.
Xi’s complicity will forever stain his legacy, it’s at least as stupid as Stalin’s pact with Hitler, and it will prove devilishly hard for him to extract himself from the dead-end corner he’s painted himself into. Xi’s personality cult may dominate the news, but his PR machine is going to have an increasingly hard time characterizing him as a wise and profound thinker, let alone a decent human being.
Today China’s evening news repeats Putin’s spurious claim about the attackers heading for Ukraine after the massacre near Moscow. It’s connect-the-dots time in dubious propaganda.

To the editorial credit of Xinwen Lianbo, the news voice-over narrator stated for the record that Ukraine’s Zelensky has denied any involvement in the terror attack.

A Russian citizen expressing sadness and hopes for courage and solidarity

News views of mourners gathering in Moscow segue seamlessly to news views of Russian jets roaring above Ukraine spreading death and destruction.
It’s probably more a matter of sloppy editing than an attempt to link the two, though the terrorist attack and the perfidy of Ukraine are being linked in print media and by Russian government officials.
There’s a need to be especially vigilant about propaganda and dezinformatsiya at this time. The smoke hasn’t even cleared and already the massacre is being used by Russian mouthpieces at home and abroad to rally support for Putin and double down for Putin’s craven and cruel attempt to subjugate Ukraine through bloodshed.

The Moscow terror story was the top foreign news story on March 23 when it was first reported. Initial coverage included phone footage of the concert hall under attack, one stand up by Wang Delu, a CCTV reporter dispatched to the scene, and a mix of CCTV camera shots and Russian footage.

Today’s Global Times provided yet another cringe-worthy example of China bending over backwards to support the insupportable Putin because Xi supports Putin.
Getting ahead of the curve, the morning news of March 25 suggests the pro-Putin, pro-Russian/anti-Ukraine narrative is gradually gaining steam. CCTV has sent another stand-up reporter into the field to talk to Russian mourners, most of whom echo the line that the nation shall be stronger. Putin is portrayed in a saintly manner.
“The Kremlin flag flies at half-mast.”

“At this difficult time we must unite, remain strong and support the Russian people and the Russian government.”
(CCTV has Russian-speaking staff, but this and several other interviews were conducted in English)

And now without the hat.
Putin is portrayed as pious as a choir boy and the candle meme will be flouted to the fullest extent for propaganda purposes.

Scenes of Red Square locked down and a wistful interview about how tough a day it’s been.

The March 25 morning news, like its evening counterpart, segues seamlessly from the Moscow massacre story to Ukraine, only here the emphasis is on Ukraine’s drone attack on Sevastopol.