CCTV FOLLIES 3.29 US News and Gloom Report (con't)
-Tragedy in Nashville -US badly polluted -US racism outed at UN -China slams US for human rights violations -Black Lives Matter to China -US gun violence soars -More US train wrecks
The following news roundup about the United States is composed of screen shots taken from China’s major domestic news program, Xinwen Lianbo, on March 28 and March 29. While China’s motivation for highlighting American tragedy, social divisiveness and governing ineptitude can be questioned, there is no question about the factual basis and sobering truth value underlying these harsh, hard-hitting reports. There are those who would ban CCTV News in the US, which is self-admittedly propaganda, but there is something to be gained in seeing how others see America, even though most of this reporting is not exactly news to Americans.