"As the myth of Western democratic supremacy fades, China's whole-process people's democracy shows the alternative."
“Xi Jinping and other Chinese leaders took their seats on the rostrum, in a nod of congratulations on the commencement of the event.”

Chinese legislators and political advisors play a crucial role in contributing to the country's development by putting forth proposals and suggestions that are taken into careful consideration by relevant authorities. -Xinhua

“The system of the people's congresses has provided important institutional safeguards for China to create the "two miracles" of rapid economic development and long-term social stability, the spokesman said. ..the favorable conditions for China's development outweigh the unfavorable factors…Based on the outlined plans, there won't be a press conference by the premier following the conclusion of the second session of the 14th NPC this year.” (Xinhua)

Wang Huning heaps ritual praise on Xi at the CPPCC:
“Under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China’s Central Committee, with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the National Committee of the CPPCC and its Standing Committee have persistently adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th Party Congress”
“We have also formulated the ‘first issue’ mechanism and studied and executed 182 instructions by General Secretary Xi Jinping 19 times. We have improved the execution mechanism and work log and investigation mechanism since the 18th Party Congress.”
Nothing like the smell of democracy first thing in the morning….

In sartorial terms, China’s whole-process democracy is certainly more democratic than the so-called democracy of the US Congress.

Deputies to the 14th National People's Congress (NPC) gathered in Beijing on Monday at a preparatory meeting to set the agenda for the second session of the 14th NPC, scheduled to begin on Tuesday.
With greatness comes a great show of humility.
At the previous meeting, Xi Jinping entered the Great Hall to rousing applause and sat center stage for the CPPCC assembly chaired by Wang Huning, but in this prep meeting for the NPC, he can be seen sitting not on stage but actually in the peanut gallery where he mixes cordially with ordinary high-ranking polituro members!
No matter where the master sits, the camera finds him and holds its gaze.

The key to Xi’s whole process democracy is one man and one vote.
Everyone else follows the lead of the leader.

Democracy in action
This amazing candid photograph of the paramount one voting is one for the ages!
Xi Jinping has a big face, it’s true, but the camera angle almost always makes it bigger. The slavish camerawork is a reminder of who’s boss, even when he’s not center stage.

In some exciting publishing news, Xi Jinping’s brilliant ground-breaking ideas on governance are now available in Russian! (correction: Bulgarian)

The Potemkin whole-process democracy is followed by a Potemkin whole-process pretense of free press with delegates making prepared statesments to reporters.
One key take-away is no more press-conferences with the premier after the session.
Another is the paramount importance of security.
Spokesman Lou Qinjian explains why non-spies need not be afraid.
“Commenting on the newly revised Counter-Espionage Law, Lou told the press conference that the revision has clarified what activities are lawful and what are unlawful, and enhanced the sense of certainty and security of foreign enterprises and individuals in China.”

The foreign news slot opens not with news but foreigners offering solemn praise for his excellency Xi and the CCP while expressing high hopes for the Two Meetings.
“Chairman Xi Jinping has put forward the three Global Initiatives…”
-Denis Sassou Nguesso, President of the Republic of the Congo
An economist from Zambia weighs in….
Politicians from Antigua, Kyrgyzstan and the Emirates join the chorus of praise.