CCTV FOLLIES 4.13 Big Fish
Paramount Leader descends from North Capital to lush south where inhabitants warmly applaud His presence. Fishing, farming, industry and ideology are among the domains of his most excellent expertise
Etiquette for a Xi audience involves lining up in tidy rows and then launching into enthusiastic applause, applause that is sustained and accompanied by heartfelt smiles. When the long welcome finally quiets down, it is best to politely clasp hands and gaze with reverence in ready reception to the downward trickle of ideas once He starts talking.

Xi and other top leaders are known to be consummate actors, hamming it up for the camera by pointing at things. It’s a kind of pantomime, pretending to make insightful observations after the most cursory of inspections. The idea is to cast the impression that the paramount leader is uniquely qualified to deliver startlingly original and penetrating insights upon superficial inspection, discovering key things and critical core issues that all the experts have somehow missed.
The more he points, the more he seems to know.
Here seen teaching fishermen how to fish via modern aquaculture.

Where’s the Xi-mobile off to next?
He’s off to an important p…