CCTV FOLLIES 4.7 Beijing Spring hopes eternal
Beijing's diplomatic spring offensive -Xi seeks to free France from US hegemony -EU put in place -Hersh screams Nord Stream -Russian rockets -Putin meeting -Israeli offensive -American $$$ carnage
Pandas and spring blossoms decorate the meeting rooms where Xi presides during Beijing’s spring offensive of diplomatic meetings. France continues to get the red carpet treatment; the business magnates Macron has in tow get a rare small room meeting with the generally aloof Chinese leader. The atmosphere is casual, perhaps on account of uncouth Europeans being unfamiliar with the fine points of etiquette of the Xi personality cult. Phones are held overhead to snap photos, guests have a hard time sitting still and bags and backpacks litter the ground.
The masking expectation for guests is unchanged (except for VIPs) The French business delegation wears matching masks with tricolor flags.
Xi’s bid for “greater democracy in international relations” is essentially his way of saying give us dictators a chance and don’t fall for the false siren song of the US which is “playing up the so-called ‘democracy vs authoritarianism’ narrative and stoking a new Cold War that brings division and conf…