The news is all about you-know-who and his conquering of hearts and minds of young and old, peasants and diplomats alike, across the heartland of Europe!
The screenshots below, all from today’s news, basically serve as another brick in the wall of CCTV’s top-heavy, tone-deaf, too-stupid-to-be-believed personality cult of Xi.
The cultish coverage extols the paramount leader witha the usual excess but it may have the unintended effect of further isolating Xi, and his deluded visions of grandeur, not just from the world, but from his own people who by now must be getting pretty jaded at the sight of the emperor who tends to dominate the news cycle day after day.
Aside from a few shots of departing Hungary, most of the footage is reruns of the state visits to France, Serbia and Hungary. I will spare the reader and myself any commentary on CCTV’s massive Xi data dump and let it stand on its own visual merits. (or lack thereof)
Trigger warning: Many, many pictures follow. It’s too big for email but can be viewed in full online. It’s also an informal test of the Substack platform’s capacity for images.
I fully expect regular viewers of the Fo…