CCTV FOLLIES 5.23 Reading between the lines
No photos of Xi today, but a sea of turgid words -CCTV really has it in for the USA in today's program, it even revisits war in Iraq -G7 is not mentioned, but it seems to have left a mark
The first third of the news today has no visual component other than screenshots of documents being read out loud and summarized by the anchors. It might as well be radio. It’s as if the picture editors are on strike, but that’s not an option in the PRC worker’s paradise, so it’s surely just some surly kind of news choice.
The “big” story is based on remarks that Xi Jinping made at a meeting about updating auditing. Auditing, like everything else, needs to suit the requirements of his particular brand of politics.
This kind of story is either very boring, very scary, or a combination of both, depending on how you look at it and how much you read into it.
“Auditing on the new journey in the new era requires building a centralized, unified, authoritative, comprehensive and efficient audit oversight system…”
“Auditing results are used as a vital reference for…