CCTV FOLLIES 5.26 US Biolabs on Chinese TV
Russia sees US lab role in Italy Covid cases -Dezinformatsiya with no limits -Russian gunships blast away in non-war -Putin, the man of peace -Strikes continue to dog UK and Spain -Japanese radiation
CCTV gives prime time billing to the latest Russian dezinformatsiya campaign on secret US biolabs, noting conspiratorially that cases of the Avian flu are on the rise in Europe and Russia. The US is not only alleged to run dozens of labs deliberately built with biowarfare capabilities, but is building new ones.
The screenshot of the fringe Italian publication L’Antidiplomatico (as shown on CCTV above) contains a dubious report linking US labs to Covid in Italy but this bombshell allegation is not addressed in the voiced-over narration of Xinwen Lianbo except in the abstract as part of the overall hysterical tone of the piece.