CCTV FOLLIES 5.27 Xi wins big at CCP Jeopardy!!!*
*In which the right answer is posed as a question -Launch party for new Xi book in English! -Xi gets all the right answers! -Russia blasts Ukraine -Europe on strike -US does not "bar" child labor
The launch ceremony for a book that is more potent than rocket fuel is big news on Xinwen Lianbo today. It’s yet another book by……Chairman Xi, but this one’s in English! It’s treated like a cult object of religious devotion and gets lavish attention in the world news.
Its uses the Jeopardy game-show format of posing the answers to questions as questions. No guessing needed; all the correct answers are embedded in the questions all of which serves to take the omniscient knowledge of China’s galaxy brain leader to a whole new level.
For example, chapter 93 adeptly poses and answers a question many foreign viewers of CCTV have struggled with over the last few months:
“Why is the Belt and Road Initiative to build “a hundred gardens” for all countries to share opportunities and develop together?”
“The book” seen here on sale in Malaysia where it is glossy-wrapped to keep its pristine words free of stain and dust.