CCTV FOLLIES 6.11 When losing is winning
It's bombs away for the Kremlin -Karkhova Dam "suffers" damage -Floodwaters recede -Germans want NATO out! -UK in trouble -Xi thought powers space program -Rice crop; bigger, faster, higher quality!
The Russian Defense Ministry Ukraine update is full of the usual jaunty explosions and some fresh wreckage, too. The chyron sports the usual “Russia says, Ukraine says” format but the footage is entirely pro-Russian and the narrative gives scant hint that Ukraine has agency, let alone the ability to fight back, let alone launch a major counter-offensive.
(Ukraine reported that Russia blew up another dam to slow the counter-offensive and Ukraine’s attempt to reclaim stolen territory, but CCTV doesn’t know what to do with information that isn’t spoon-fed by the Kremlin and in accord with party line.)