CCTV FOLLIES 6.12 Fixing Minds
Xi shows way -Honduras reaps rewards of dropping Taiwan -Xi's green future -Red Notice: repatriation and surrender! -Russia has Ukraine in gun sights -NATO is so bad! -Bullets and broken roads in US
With so many of Xi’s stories topping the news, it’s hard to know which top story to start with. Let’s go with CCTV’s celebration of Xi’s latest book. Hard to believe, but CCTV hasn’t covered a Xi book launch in almost 24 hours, not since yesterday’s grand video book launch promoting the compilation Xi Jinping’s penetrating thoughts and speeches on women and children.
Early reviews from Xi-controlled state media on THE GOVERNANCE OF CHINA are so far positive, if not outright glowing and ecstatic. Run out to your nearest state bookstore now before it sells out!
Among the translated tomes, the Russian-language edition on best practices in governance with Chinese characteristics is sure to be hit.
What are the benefits of dropping Taiwan diplomatically, you might ask? Ask Xiomara Castro, the president of Honduras. For starters, you get a lavish, militaristic…