CCTV FOLLIES 6.28 Youth is where the party is!
The party finds youth wherever youth is! -Youth is a great time for sacrifice and hardship! -Xi holds out wilted olive branch to US? -Russia still shaky -North Korean friendship -Canadian fires burn.
Young people across the land are all talking about Xi all the time, of course, and how his program for the New Era is exactly what New Youth are looking for. They deeply appreciate his guidance and are willing to fling themselves wherever the party needs them. No hardship too great, no posting too remote.

“Wherever youth is, the party can be found.”
“Wherever the party goes, youth shall follow!”
“We must learn to be tough and endure hardship!”

Judging from CCTV’s background scenes during the testimonials and paeans to Xi’s youth outreach, scenes that range from rocket factories to military barracks, from massive hydroelectric dams to the azure blue waters of the South China Sea, show young people are ready and willing to serve the party anywhere at the drop of a hat.