-It's holiday season! -The news has no news -No clue as to what's really going on -Let us sing praise of the party! -If it's red, it's gotta be good -It's "I love you China!" time on CCTV!
The news starts the usual rote way, with three big nothing-burger stories about the Big Whopper. He replied to a letter. He attended a banquet. He gave a talk.
When motor mouth revs up, the nation listens. His words pour forth like hydropower, not only a symbol of volume and force, but providing power and light for the nation.
He’s the surge, he’s the flow, he’s the source, he’s the dam problem.
Testimonials to the power of the paramount one continue to roll in. These hardy souls, scorched by the hot air of His words and thoroughly soaked and drenched by the torrent of His inspiration, not only lived to tell it, but want to spread the word.
Nowhere is the wisdom of the paramount more clearly on display than Hong Kong where a thriving, cosmopolitan city has been reduced to an economically depressed appendage to the mainland, full of dull conformity.
Even so, CCTV had no trouble finding politicians to spout the party line, to thank the center for its “support” and to celebrate the Belt and …