A special thanks to all my subscribers and supporters. The recent surge in paid subscriptions is greatly appreciated and helps me sustain the work needed to collect, curate and analyze the latest news and propaganda from state TV in China, which, true to the title of this post, is sounding more and more like an Empire of Lies.
The illustration and the article that follows were published by The China Project on October 20, 2023 and I’d like to share a copy of this with you. Thanks to editor Jeremy Goldkorn and illustrator Alex Santafe for their contributions. The post as published can be viewed here.
You know things are getting Orwellian in Beijing when the Chinese Foreign Ministry appropriates an aphorism originally attributed to George Orwell — as channeled through Russian authoritarian Vladimir Putin, a freelance Russian cartoonist named Vitaly Podvitski, and two American libertarians, namely Ron Paul, a…