In which Jim finds out he's been mispronouncing the name of the beautiful Huamei. They go for a ride in the countryside and something happens that changes the direction of his life thereafter.
There are times when knowing a little Chinese, though not necessarily a dangerous thing, is as much a liability as an asset. When Huamei first told me her name, I knew enough Chinese to think I knew what it meant right away: hua as in China, mei as in beauty.
Huamei, the beauty of China.
My dictionary was telling me her name could also be construed to mean ‘Sino-America’ in certain literary contexts, and when I got to know her better, I didn’t mind showing off my book knowledge.
“Ah, Hua-mei, my Sino-American dream.”
“What do you say?”
“I say Hua-mei. You heard me. They don’t call me the China expert for nothing!” I whistled.
She bat her lashes and knit her brow but held her tongue.
“Don’t be shy! You are truly, truly Hua-mei.” I cried, celebrating my linguistic prowess, egging her on.
“I am not a bird,” she snapped.
“Who said you were a bird?”
“You did.”
“I did?”
“Yes. You always say my name wrong.”
I could have sworn I said it right, and blithely assumed I had been saying it right all alo…