Sitemap - 2022 - China News

A China Story: from Kublai Khan to Big Ten

DOCUMENTARY: "China Human Rights"

ESSAY: And Peng Lifa is his name...

CCTV FOLLIES 12.24 Meetings upon meetings

CCTV FOLLIES: 12.23 To deflect and misdirect

CCTV FOLLIES 12.22 When cabbages are king

CCTV FOLLIES 12.21 Best friend of Best friend

CCTV FOLLIES 12.20 Rainbows soar over China

CCTV FOLLIES 12.19 Covid numbers down

ESSAY: The Unmasking of Xi

CCTV FOLLIES 12.17 The one who will not be named

CCTV FOLLIES 12.16 Xi finds cure for Covid!

CCTV FOLLIES 12.15 Xi delivers "letter speech"

CCTV FOLLIES 12.14 Morning in the motherland

CCTV FOLLIES 12.13 Never forget crimes of others

CCTV FOLLIES 12.12 Nothing new in the news

CCTV FOLLIES 12.11 Jiang's good riddance

ESSAY: Xiao Liang -the man behind the portrait of the man on the bridge

CCTV FOLLIES 12.10 The light from the east shines on the Arab world

CCTV FOLLIES 12.09 (con't) Xi away, rivals play

CCTV FOLLIES 12.09 Xi Jinping does Arabia

CCTV FOLLIES 12.08 King for a day

CCTV FOLLIES 12.07 Meetings upon meetings

CCTV FOLLIES 12.06 Black and White and Gray

CCTV FOLLIES 12.05 Hu's there!

CCTV FOLLIES 12.04 L'État c'est moi!

CCTV FOLLIES 12.03 There's gold in them hills

CCTV FOLLIES 12.02 Burying Jiang with praise

CCTV FOLLIES 12.01 Of Mourning and Museums

CCTV FOLLIES 11.30 Xinwen Lianbo (part 2)

CCTV FOLLIES 11.30 Jiang Zemin is dead

CCTV FOLLIES 11.29 On top of the world and all creation

CCTV FOLLIES 11.28 China's clarion call

CCTV FOLLIES 11.27 Let it snow.

ESSAY: A prairie fire is lit (but not televised)

CCTV FOLLIES 11.26 What's not in the news?

CCTV FOLLIES 11.25 Spontaneous protest

CCTV FOLLIES 11.24 Hardship in land of plenty

CCTV FOLLIES 11.23 Cover-ups, winging it

CCTV FOLLIES 11.22 Snow job

CCTV FOLLIES 11.21 Nightly news no see Xi

CCTV FOLLIES 11.19 Of Cabbages and Kings

CCTV FOLLIES 11.18 Thailand kowtows for sake of APEC

CCTV FOLLIES 11.17 Bali high

CCTV FOLLIES 11.16 Ukraine news

REPORT: When the sole focus of attention gets photo-bombed

CCTV FOLLIES 11.15 Xi addresses the world

CCTV FOLLIES 11.14 Biden-Xi Bali Summit

CCTV FOLLIES 11.14 Xi arrives in Bali

CCTV FOLLIES 11.13 Aviation edition

CCTV FOLLIES 11.12 Kherson edition

CCTV FOLLIES 11.11 Russia's modest advance

CCTV FOLLIES 11.09 China war prep

CCTV FOLLIES 11.08 China Air show

CCTV FOLLIES 11.07 Maotai in the morning

CCTV FOLLIES 11.05 Xi charms foreigners

CCTV FOLLIES 11.04 Sino-German ties

CCTV FOLLIES 11.01 Visit from Vietnam

CCTV FOLLIES 10.30 Loyalty thru discipline

CCTV FOLLIES 10.28 Yanan Edition

CCTV FOLLIES 10.27 Dezinformatsiya

CCTV FOLLIES 10.26 Waving the red flag

CCTV FOLLIES 10.24 Dirty bomb talk

CCTV FOLLIES 10.23 Dons of the new politburo

CCTV FOLLIES 10.22 Hu Jintao gone missing

CCTV FOLLIES 10.21 Being better border people

REPORT: Peng Lifa's two Twitter accounts

CCTV FOLLIES 10.18 Of men and tigers

REPORT: Peng Lifa's hometown is drowning in sorrows...

CCTV FOLLIES: 10.17 A splendid tedium

CCTV FOLLIES 10.17 The Great Hall, a great bore

ESSAY: The times they are a-changing…

DOCUMENTARY: "The Navigator Leads Us"

CCTV FOLLIES 10.11 Keeping to Zero-covid

CCTV FOLLIES: 10.10 Putin leads the news

CCTV FOLLIES 10.09 PLA people power

CCTV FOLLIES: 10.09 Crimea Bridge incident


CCTV FOLLIES 10.05 Xi's ten years on top

CCTV FOLLIES 10.03 Han narcissism is so lovely

CCTV FOLLIES 10.01 It's National Day!

CCTV FOLLIES: 9/30 Memorializing Xi

CCTV FOLLIES: 9/28 Nord Stream Pipeline blast

CCTV FOLLIES: 9/27 Xi likes touring museums

CCTV FOLLIES: 9/21 Rumors of war

CCTV FOLLIES 9/16 Samarkand Shuffle

CCTV FOLLIES: 9/13 Welcome to Samarkand

CCTV FOLLIES: 9/12 Vacation travel underway

CCTV FOLLIES: 9/10 China gets Moonstruck

A China Story: The man in the black jacket